Make line items draggable on mobile

16 votes

Hello there!

I'm very excited about Amplenote but can't use it yet as my main note-taking tool because I'm not able to drag around list items on mobile.

Please please make list items draggable on the mobile client. Dragging list items is so important, it gives one the ability to add or degrade priority, to organize, to understand, to interact with what's already there.

If I write down:


But then all of a sudden realize: "oh the onions are right next to the onions at the grocery store", the very next thing I'd like to do is drag onions above salmon:


If I write a list of ideas:

web client
mobile client
no animations while typing
linkable notes
draggable line items

But then I realize: "oh I care very much about draggable line items", the very next thing I'd like to do is drag "draggable line items" to the top:

draggable line items
web client
mobile client
no animations while typing
linkable notes

Out of space now but TY so much!

Under consideration mobile Suggested by: Max C Bigras Upvoted: 24 Apr Comments: 2

Comments: 2