On export, append tags with a hashtag
Currently when notes are exported, the tags are in the YAML frontmatter but do not have a hashtag, which is frequently used by other editors to locate tags. That means tags created in Amplenote become less useful in other editors.
Comments: 4
05 Sep, '20
Bill AdminThis is definitely on our radar, since exporting is one of our core values.
19 Feb, '23
CynthiaSThis is a must have to keep our data usable outside of Amplenote.
25 Feb, '23
CynthiaSThis is the reason I am now thinking I will not use Amplenote. The original reason I was moving away from Evernote was so my notes would be usable into the future. If the tags aren't exported as part of the md, then I don't think Amplenote is truly supporting the goal of making our notes "our own" to use forever.
17 Oct, '24
Lucian AdminMarking as "Not planned" due to low interest