I would like to see folders, unless I'm missing something.
Comments: 2
24 Nov, '20
Brian Cohen AdminHi Arnie, thanks for trying Amplenote. Our version of "folders" is a combination of tags (which can be nested as deeply as you like) and Tag Shortcuts (so you can pick the tags that you return to often). You can read more about these on their help pages:
* -
16 Jan
TyOut of the many phenomenal things that Amplenote can do, I find it odd that enabling Folder is not an area of consideration. I transitioned from Windows to MAC and use both simultaneously and despite MAC being easy to use, I always hated the lack of a File Management system. The use of tags is messy and you can organize anything and it just appears messy and overwhelming. I would pay for the founder level and move to Amplenote without further consideration, if there were a folder system. I find it odd. Your product is awesome and based on the many suggestions that are being worked on it will only improve even more. How can a folder system be that complicated or not worth considering? It is a barrier to my embracing Amplenote.