Creation & Modification Timestamps with Location

1 votes

Often, when I jot down a note on the mobile app, I'm in a conversation or meeting and don't want to take the time to write a lot so I just get a few words out. Often it is days later when I find time to go dig into whatever the note was about (i.e. name of a company or person). While it is embarrassing that many times I can't remember when or where or why I wrote that note, in some sense that's the rationale for having an app like Amplenote. It is probably unreasonable to infer why I wrote the note, but it would be easy to track when & where and put this in the changelog for the note. Usually, by correlating the time & place with my calendar I can at least figure out who I was talking to at the time & maybe remember more about the context where I wrote the note. Currently Amplenote rounds off these timestamps to the day (e.g. yesterday), but a lot happened yesterday and I can't figure out what these notes are about!

Not planned Suggested by: Pablos Upvoted: 11 Dec, '20 Comments: 1

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