Support for markdown headings up to H6
Currently only H1 to H3 headings are supported. This feature would enable further compatibility during markdown import.
Comments: 5
12 Jul, '21
Eser Poyraz MergedThe current appearance of the editor so nice. Instead of adding new buttons maybe the markdown feature can be expanded adding `####` `#####` and `######`
15 Jul, '21
Lucian Admin"Support H4 H5 and H6 with #### ##### and ######" (suggested by Eser Poyraz on 2021-07-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Jul, '21
Nick C MergedMarkdown has support for headers all the way down to 6. I would find these useful for Transclusion.
eg. I'm importing the chapters and the verses of the Bible into Markdown format. Verse numbers would work best as a small heading (H5 or H6), while chapter numbers would be higher.
Here would be my use case:
H1: The Bible
H2: Genesis
H3: Subtitle: In the Beginning
H4: (Chapter) 1
H5: (Verse) 1 -
12 Aug, '21
Lucian Admin"Add support for Headers 4-6" (suggested by Nick C on 2021-07-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Apr, '22
Ian GreigI use H1 to H4 in other Markdown