Show inline-completed tasks in completed task stats
It would be nice to have the option to choose whether or not my completed todo items move down into a different section. Sometimes I'd like them to stay inline.
Comments: 51
19 Mar, '24
Bill Admin PinnedTasks that are complete with the "Crossed out" button or hotkey will now appear among your completed tasks.
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29 Jul, '20
Aaron BDefinitely helpful since I like to create to-do's as part of my note capture but still need to keep the task in-line so the notes continue to make sense on review or lookback.
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11 Oct, '20
BenI agree here. I like to use the daily jot functionality as a log for what I completed during the day. Being able to see completed tasks inline with where I originally created the task would be super helpful
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17 Dec, '20
Mark LopezYeah, this breaks my workflow. Hopefully this will be an easy fix and can be done soon.
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26 Dec, '20
Brian Cohen AdminWhile we will continue to mull how we might allow this, in the interim, our best recommendation for people who want to keep their to-do items inline is to use bullets instead of tasks. The usual Ctrl-Space hotkey will apply strikethrough to a bullet item, so you can use them much like a simpler version of tasks. You can also use the same hotkeys as tasks for shifting hierarchies of bulleted navigation up and down a list.
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11 Jan, '21
Victor MergedCurrently, after a task is completed, it shows up on the note page it was written in under the "Completed" section" AND the task will be removed from that note page.
Having a task not show up on the note page it was written in eliminates the context of the task.
E.g, Let's say on the note named "Make a play" you have the following written:
[] Task A - Write a play
[] Task B - Audition for people
[] Task C - Find an event date
[] Task D - Prep for play
If task C were completed, the note would now look like:
[] Task A - Write a play
[] Task B - Audition for people
[] Task D - Prep for play
(task C is in completed at bottom of note)
Let's say, I didn't label the tasks with "Task A/B/C/D", I would have no way of knowing in what order task C was located on the note relative to other tasks.
[] Task A - Write a play
[] Task B - Audition for people
[x] Task C - Find an event date
[] Task D - Prep for play
(task C is a little bit greyed out) -
13 Jan, '21
Lucian Admin"If a task is completed, keep the task displayed on the line of the note it was written in" (suggested by Victor on 2021-01-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Feb, '21
GadwoodFor me the biggest problem is that it disappears as soon you check it. It should stay in place until you changer note. For peuple that want to keep it all in note maybe put complete task down with a button
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27 Apr, '21
Justin Maxwell+1 strong upvote (founder member). Please see my other feedback emailed about @Gadwood’s issue as well. The interaction design around the items disappearing themselves needs improvement. However, my checklist items are part of a plan and I don’t want them to disappear (or they should be toggleable/visibility settings) when on a note. In a global todo list i am fine with them disappearing.
11 May, '21
Justin MaxwellThis is a dealbreaker for using the app for checklists for travel/trips. We have to print it out instead.
25 May, '21
JavierComing from Roam this is the most frustrating “feature” of Amplenote. Add an option to change this behavior on/off.
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04 Aug, '21
Sami PajuAs it stands currently, it feels like you're supposed to have notes that contain nothing but tasks. Or have a separate section in each note for tasks related to it. And use a lot of links / rich footnotes in task descriptions for further contextual information.
I think it's a bit of an identity crisis that needs to be solved. Is the preferred way to work more akin to having Notes, some of which contain to-do items, or is the preferred way closer to a to-do application, where Notes are enabled but tasks take priority.
Personally I find myself wanting to have both, but it being note-dependent. For example, in case of notes that may contain quick tasks (where it doesn't make sense to create separate notes for each of them), the current approach is much preferred. Otherwise we'll soon have a very cluttered list. But on e.g. meeting memos that lead to tasks, having context remaining would be the preferred way. -
06 Aug, '21
Sami PajuAlthough it's not evident from the topic here, I think this same point also applies to hidden tasks. And personally I think this is a more significant drawback in the current way tasks are handled.
12 Aug, '21
MiguelFeels like this is such a easy thing to fix / to give the option on each note / globally to set this behavior. Hope it can be done in the future :)
14 Aug, '21
JacPlease add this, it's a dealbreaker for me too
12 Sep, '21
Rebecca ChapmanDefinitely would like the option to do this - the whole point of Amplenote for me is allowing combined notes and tasks (eg. meeting or project notes with tasks scattered throughout), and I don't want to lose the context when a task is completed and 'drops out' of the note. I did see the suggestion about using bullets and strikethrough, but you then lose the benefit of Amplenote's ability to pull out all incomplete tasks from all notes into 1 list. If you do implement this - could you consider creating a mirror (linked) copy when a task is completed, ie. one strike-through version inline in the notes, and one in the 'completed tasks' tab?
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23 Sep, '21
Al DokisI caught this discussion the other day via a Twitter list about and I think I understand why the tasks are moved off the main note. However, I myself would prefer they stay in the note, or show in both spots. The more k have been thinking about this the more I do really need them in the note. If amplenote is to really to be the task and notes app that is effective for me I need the completed task to stay. The task and the note both loose important context. Say if I am using a note(s) to manage a project, if I look back it is almost impossible to recall all what happened. If I want this to happen now I am basically havibg to recreate the task as a bullet before I close it off. That makes no sense to me. I think this needs to be give. Real consideration.
02 Oct, '21
Paul HackerControl-Space doesn't seem to work on my iPad with Magic Keyboard as a shortcut for striking through a bullet point @Lucian
04 Oct, '21
Tom^ I really like Rebecca Chapman's suggestion above!
"creating a mirror (linked) copy when a task is completed, ie. one strike-through version inline in the notes, and one in the 'completed tasks' tab"
Also maybe an option for us to turn this feature on/off in the settings, so that everyone's happy :-)
Thanks! -
11 Oct, '21
MarkI think what Dynalist does would work well here.
Basically, the completed task will just be hidden, but it is still under the parent subtask and in the same position as it was before. Just invisible.
Toggling to show completed tasks will just make them visible again. -
12 Oct, '21
JavierTasks live in the context of the note/paragraph they are created. Moving them to some other section obliterates this relationship. Figuring out where a task was created in a page if for any reason you need to uncheck it is needlessly wasteful. As an old Roam Research user, this is one of the "features" that annoys me the most in Amplenote.
19 Jan, '22
Jason+1 for me on this. Just a follow-up to the great feedback on this is that by removing the completed task from the page it's completed, means that we lose the metadata of what was accomplished on that particular day. If we look back at our notes and can see what was accomplished on that particular day would help preserve that metadata
27 Feb, '22
RyanSame issue for me I converted from Roam and having completed items moved out of the order I set is messing me up. Strikethrough is a nice alternative to have but it means I can't view my completed tasks when I use it.
23 Mar, '22
Bill AdminLaunched across platforms today. You can use the "Cross Out" option at the bottom of a task, or after next release, Ctrl-Shift-Space will also cross out a check list item.
24 Mar, '22
TimCan you please retain the check box when you cross it out? Also how do we 'un cross out' a task?
24 Mar, '22
MiguelHi Bill, when I use the cross out option, the task only becomes crossed and turns into a bullet point. I thought that when crossing out, it would mean "I completed the task" and besides staying in line, the checkbox would be completed AND it would show up on the completed tasks, which is not the case:
Am I missing something? :)
Thanks! -
15 Aug, '22
ZackHi team,
I really appreciate that you implemented the cross out option, but I don't think it answers the original needs discussed in this thread.
As Tim, Miguel, and others have already mentioned: we essentially hope this feature would be different from cross out features currently being offered. In short, we want to retain checkboxes per se even after checking it, as seen in these images:
Looks like this thread has been tagged as "done" and dormant for a while, but let us know if we should open another thread to upvote, which I'm willing to do.
Thank you! -
02 Sep, '22
RebeccaAs others have already said, this doesn’t really implement what was requested. ‘Crossing out’ a task just converts it to a bullet point in strikethrough, but a lot of info is lost eg completion date, priority, duration. Also, if I’ve scheduled it in my calendar, ‘crossing out’ removes it from the calendar, whereas ‘completing’ leaves it in there - which I find super valuable when scanning back over the week to see what I’ve achieved. I REALLY hope you’ll consider implementing more fully. Thank you!
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12 Oct, '22
BenThis is definitely not "Done" yet, and should not be tagged that way. Keeping the todo item within the note, and in the same place in the note, is essential to seeing how things play out.
27 Oct, '22
ThomasAs far as I can see, this it not implemented. :-(
02 Nov, '22
MarkThe checkbox disappeared. I've lost my reference point. I thought it was a bug, but someone actually went to effort to write code that does this???
22 Nov, '22
Steve MergedThis task has not been "DONE" and shouldn't be tagged as such. There are 150 people that voted on this but it is not yet done. Cross out is NOT the same as completed. -
23 Nov, '22
Lucian Admin"Remove 'Done' status from a suggestion you (Amplenote team) did not complete" (suggested by Steve on 2022-11-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Nov, '22
Lucian Admin@Steve - fair enough. There is some space for improving the inline completion of tasks, so I removed the "Done" tag from this item.
04 Dec, '22
IanHow about introducing the concept of an 'archived' task?
So when a task is completed it stays inline within the note, but when archived it is dropped down to an 'Archived tasks' tab at the bottom of the page (replacing the 'Completed' tab). -
26 Jan, '23
AllisonI think Sami's earlier comment brings up a good point about why this would be a complex feature to implement. Hidden tasks and completed tasks show up the same way in a note. Personally, I think that in addition to completed tasks remaining in their original location within the note, hidden tasks should also stay in their place. The feature of hiding a task should only remove it from the task view, not the note.
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28 Jan, '23
GadwoodA easy fix would be to split done task by heading where they were in the note in the done task section.
08 Mar, '23
LeadfalconCould you look at writing a custom guid to the task when you create it in AN? This would allow for tracking the task with all its improvements, while allowing the task to be stored in the note page itself - and appearing based on completion status. For example:
I create a task in AN:
- [] My new task 1
When I hit enter, the AN backend picks up that there's a new task to be created and embeds a guid into the text string (but does not render the guid inline):
- [] <guid> My new task 1
If I ever make this not a task (click the task button again), the guid is removed - making this back into a bullet point:
- My new task 1
From a rendering perspective, if a task is completed, it finds the linked guid task and marks compete, and the task renders on the page with strikethrough:
- [x] <guid> My task 1
I think this could allow for separate task tracking with all the AN improvements (consolidated task view) while also keeping track of the task in line. -
29 Apr, '23
JTAny updates on this?
04 Aug, '23
Prof MarkI don't understand why is this hard for Amplenote to implement. We are just asking for the option not to remove it from the document when we click the box (and change the text style to cross-through). It can still be a completed task. People have been asking for this feature for three years.
13 Aug, '23 is genuinely a hard blocker for me adopting and migrating to Amplenote. I love the product, the intention and direction, and the usability. Other issues I can work around, but this is a complete deal breaker.
14 Aug, '23
PriyanNot being able to stop completed tasks from disappearing makes it a deal breaker for me to fully commit to amplenote. Its actually really essential to see completed tasks in my jots for review and context.
28 Aug, '23
John SmithTasks staying inline within the note would definitely be huge, especially if we could set which behavior is default and set it by note: When I take notes and the tasks are part of the note structure, I definitely want the tasks to stay within the note.
On the other hand, some notes are just tasklists and tasks clearing out from them helps prevent clutter, so it's not like the current behavior is useless. I'd just rather have it be the exception rather than the rule, and don't like it being the only option. -
30 Aug, '23
sjabakerCouldn't agree more - including with the comments that this needs to also apply to Hidden tasks.
Suppose I'm writing a report for a client and I've brainstormed a list of actions to remember to do to finish writing and finalising it (e.g. spell check) - some of which I then 'hide until' as they can't/shouldn't be done yet, and others get completed as I make progress ...
If I can't see those Hidden tasks when I look at the note (in Jots/Notes modes), then:
(a) I'm likely to waste time and brain-power "re-remembering" something I need to do and re-adding it to the list of tasks _again_, and
(b) if I take a look at the list to estimate how much effort remains (e.g. do I need to work late tonight?!) then I'm missing some/much/most(?) of the data.
If I can't see the Completed tasks in context within the list, I similarly may re-duplicate tasks &/or be missing important context (e.g. that may mean I need to repeat one of them because of another task I've added since). -
13 Oct, '23
DevLilI was so excited to find Amplenote as it honestly works better for my brain. Had a very productive day, and feeling a lot calmer because of it.
BUT this "feature" is seriously putting me off, and whilst I'm going to try out the cross out option, that to me seemed like the workflow for _dismissing_ a task, not completing one. As rightly pointed out above, it removes the important task information which is the very reason we created it as a task in the first place.
So I'm looking at other options unfortunately. Which feels sad, because Amplenote originally felt like my brain had come home.
PS: is there a way this can be implemented via a plugin? I'm not sure of the limitations of plugin functionality yet. -
29 Nov, '23
David TrappThis (together with the fact there are no lightweight non-task checkboxes I can put inline wherever I want) is the one (or two) thing(s) that I really dislike about Amplenote - everything else is just totally amazing!
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15 Dec, '23
Pat NimsLooking forward to this being implemented! I hope it is soon.
29 Dec, '23
Mahmoud FahiemHello team,
Crossing out a task means it's canceled or not needed, showing it's deleted but still there for reference. Completing a task means it's done successfully. The crossed-out look helps remember the task's history in a list, but it conveys a different meaning. I hope this feature is implemented soon.
Thanks. -
08 Mar, '24
DanWe are close to hitting the 4 year mark in this request not being implemented, please update!
20 Mar, '24
sjabakerI see this is now "done" - but there are still several issues with the implementation:
1. It only operates if you 'cross out' rather than 'complete' the task - i.e. it takes two clicks instead of one, or the different keyboard shortcut. If you ever forget and simply click the checkbox to complete a task, that task's position in the note is forever lost unless you immediately undo the action (so completing that task ends up taking 4 clicks / 3 keyboard shortcuts.
2. Once crossed out, you can't tell if that struck-through bullet actually was a task or just some other bullet within the note that has since become invalid/ unwanted/ whatever - except by comparing the bullet's text with the text of every task in the note's separate completed tasks section. Similarly, you cannot see the associated properties/metadata of that task (when it was due, when you completed it, did you consider it important, etc.) without doing that same cross-comparison between the sections.