Sort Tasks by Due Date

6 votes

I do like the idea of the Task Score system. But, there are many tasks in my work life that I manage best when I can get a quick, clear view of the due (start) dates*.

These tasks:

- will never be 'dismissed',
- are all important (for e.g. a client is waiting for a result)
- are all time-sensitive ... and
- have more to-do with sh*t that must get done (and less with creativity and long-term goals).

For this type of task, being able to sort by due/start date is VERY valuable.

*Being able to sort the tasks list (Tasks View) by due (start) dates is very useful for the planning/reviewing/organizing stages ... while the auto sorting produced by the Task Score system has (in my view) more to do with the doing/engaging stage.

Done tasks Suggested by: Eddie Upvoted: 13 Jul, '23 Comments: 0

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