Exchange calendar support
Since this app focus on productivity, many people have only one option at work for calendar and it's exchange calendar. It would be nice to add that type of calendar to Amplenote
Comments: 4
30 Jul, '21
JoeAs a work around you can publish the exchange calendar and then follow it in a google or outlook account. These will then autopopulate in your calendar on Amplenote if you have linked them accordingly. I agree though about the Exchange calendar native support.
29 Sep, '21
Isaiah@joe publishing to Google or Microsoft is no good for me and I'm sure others, as they are the very places I'm trying to keep my data out of. Being able to hook directly into an exchange server is the key here
19 Oct, '21
IsaiahSimilar to calDAV support -->
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11 Nov, '23
Mark HodgesWithout this feature, the calendar aspect of amplenote is borderline worthless within an otherwise perfect application. I already love amplenote but but feel i'm not getting the full experience without the integration with my work calendar. Please, please, add this feature!