URL Link Previews
Amplenote's 'rich footnotes' feature along with the ability to embed pictures, videos, and notes is an amazing feature. Just one thing is missing -- rich media link previews – the kind you see on Twitter or Reddit.
Comments: 3
26 Feb, '23
Markus MergedA representation of the rich snipped of the source (thumbnail, title, description etc.)would be nice, if a link is inserted
05 May, '23
BrunoSame, I was surprised to see this feature is not there. All the social and sharing apps I generally use display a preview when pasting a link
17 Oct, '24
Lucian Admin"Display Rich Snippets when inserting a link" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2023-02-26), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.