Add a task command for setting task recurrence rules (both fixed and flexible)

2 votes

Right now, we have the !every command to set a task to recur a set of time after it was completed (1 day after completion, a week, month, etc), but there currently is no way to quickly set a task to recur in a fixed interval (every monday, tuesday, etc) without needing to open task details. There are a few ways I believe could work to be able to set a task to recur faster:

- Add a ! statement for fixed scheduled recurring tasks, could be called !recur or !fixed
- Add the option to choose between fixed or after completion when using the !every statement
- In the input area of the !every statement, add the fixed recur options (example, if typed "every mon", the suggestions should come as "recur every week/month on Monday)
- Add Natural Language Processing when inputing a task (example: take out the trash every monday at 8am) would open the prompt to choose the task to recur every monday at 8am

Under consideration effort-medium tasks Suggested by: Matheus Upvoted: 18 Oct, '24 Comments: 0

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