Filter Tables
It would be amazing to be able to filter table columns. Just saying!
Comments: 2
08 Nov, '23
AdamWas just running into this today. I have a table that I would like to keep with my reading stack. It starts to get a little useless if I can not filter the table. I guess the alternative would be to make a note for each book and utilize tags to filter for the various books in my stack but that feels tedious. I would love the ability to have a "Book" column that contains a linked reference to my note for the book and a "Status" column that I could easily filter on.
30 Jul, '24
AdamSo... I was utilizing Amplenote today and I thought... wow, I should be able to filter content out of a table. I went to see if there was an entry on featureupvote and it turns out I have already voted for it and commented on it 😳
To comment on my previous comment -- I know utilize a tag structure for my "Reading Stack"
I am currently thinking this would be a great feature to help me filter a simple table with projects.