Jump to a specific day inside jots

2 votes

The functionality I am looking for is to move around jots more easily by incorporating some sort of a calendar to the jots section. This would enable me to jump to a specific day inside jots by clicking on that date in the calendar.
Example: I go into jots section, click on a calendar button, a calendar opens up. Now I see current month with the days with some content have some color distinction. I click on a day and the app jumps to the jot for that day. I can still scroll up and down to see previous or next jots.
I should be able to move between months and years in a calendar, so it shouldn't be just a passive view of the current month.
1. https://amplenote.featureupvote.com/suggestions/342324/enable-access-to-daily-jots-in-calendar-view
-I think cons of this that the calendar view would quickly become overcrowded
2. https://amplenote.featureupvote.com/suggestions/459182/navigation-calendar
-No timeline view of jots, but it could work in jots mode with show/hide button

Under consideration effort-high jots Suggested by: BashChelik Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 1

Comments: 1