Add a native Embed option (with a button in the tool bar?)

2 votes

Currently, embedding content is possible using plugins, which are relatively easy to code. However, it would be more practical and user-friendly if a native embed option were included in the app, along with a dedicated embed button in the toolbar for quick access.

Initial Implementation:

The native embed option should allow users to directly paste an embed code (e.g., from YouTube, Google Maps, or other platforms) into a dialog box or input field.
The app would then process and render the embedded content within the note.

Future Enhancements:

Expand functionality to enable embedding by simply pasting a link (e.g., a YouTube video link or a website URL), without requiring the full embed code.
The app would automatically detect the link and generate the corresponding embedded content.

PS: The attached image shows this feature in the Upbase app. In Amplenote, it would be even better, allowing users to embed any content, not just content from well-known apps.

Under consideration effort-high integrations Suggested by: John Upvoted: 31 Dec, '24 Comments: 0

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