Make recurring linked tasks recur in linked notes

1 votes

Per your help file:

Each instance of a recurring task has a unique identifier, so when you link to a recurring task, you are only linking to the current version of it.

My use-case is that I have certain recurring things, such as housekeeping or other regular chores, that have checklists associated with them. (e.g. Yard work has mow lawn, weed, dog poop, etc.)

Currently I have a "Chores" note that contains links to the various checklists.

It would be very nice to have my daily/weekly/monthly chores note have all those individual checklist items in them. So I could look at my weekly chores and see the individual yard work tasks, rooms that need cleaning, etc., and start knocking things out without having to make it "yard work day" and just get momentum.

Same applies to work, helping my sonw with school, etc. - I have lots of checklists.

Under consideration effort-high tasks Suggested by: Nik Upvoted: 05 Jan Comments: 0

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