Allow attaching Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Text documents into a note
Amplenote currently allows embedding PDFs into notes, and movies into Rich Footnotes. For this task, let's flesh that out so that Amplenote can allow Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Text documents to be uploaded into a note. And maybe some other things depending on what the comments say.
Comments: 30
30 Apr, '21
DavidTo be a replacement to Evernote, Nimbus etc, I need to be able to attach any type of attachment, even if it can't be indexed for search. For example, key files for licenses I buy. There can be a reasonable size limit, I don't mind. Until this works, I need to keep my other Note taking solution, which cuts into the value proposition of Amplenote.
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21 Jul, '21
HibiscusSometimes I I just want an associated Office-file to be attached. No fancy preview necessary here. But stoing Office-files somewhere else feels awkward when you want use Amplenote as central knowledge base.
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13 Aug, '21
Andrew VeversI respectfully ask why we can't attach any filetype now, given that we understand they won't be searchable?
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30 Oct, '21
StevePlus have them available offline too 🙂
08 Nov, '21
SageThis is a must-have for me -- need to be able to include all relevant documents in a note to be a true central repository. Sure, a preview of word/excel/ppt files would be great, but at a minimum need to be able to drop these files in Amplenote. Ideally would allow all file types (I keep most tax docs in a .zip for example). Right now this is the only thing keeping me from ditching Evernote for Amplenote. Agree with reasonable size limit, I understand Amplenote needs to keep its costs and storage reasonable, etc. But generating links from Box/Dropbox/GDrive and pasting into Amplenote isn't really a solution because 1) it's several extra steps in a workflow, 2) means that I would need to grant access to anyone I share that with in another platform in addition to Amplenote, and 3) if I change cloud services, those links would become void.
06 Jan, '22
Geoff OhDeal Breaker for me
16 Feb, '22
phil+1 coming from Evernote where I can add any file type to a note I want. This feature is crucial. The user pays for 10GB space (basic plan), it shouldn't matter how to use this space...
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22 Feb, '22
GustavoThat's an essencial tool for a all-in-one note hub
10 Mar, '22
ShaneAgree with several who have noted that without the ability to use Amplenote as a "file cabinet" along with all the other bits/features, then I need to keep Evernote and keep paying for it. Would LOVE to hop over to Amplenote and have everything in one place if I could. Hope Amplenote will get there. Side note, having a true "start date" for task, not just a "hide" feature would also be a huge plus to me.
11 Mar, '22
Jacksonjust imported 2k notes from evernote and roam in order to use Amplenote as one solution for my organizational life. Now seeing that all notes with pics and word docs, etc are empty and I cannot attach a word doc to a note, this will cause me to not subscribe. Drop in the bucket but I can't be only lost revenue opp.
Hope I am just missing something. -
24 Mar, '22
GadwoodPlease add excel and world files
27 May, '22
ShawnIt is also dealbreaker for me! To save occasional word or ppt files somewhere else does not make sense.
01 Jul, '22
markus von kaenelthis is a must have. MS office is industrie standard. Skipping it is keeping customers away.
12 Jul, '22
KPBasic attachments is a very strange omission.
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21 Sep, '22
Robert Clayton MergedWe can currently attach only PDFs. We should be able to attach any kind of file.
21 Sep, '22
Lucian Admin"Attach any type of file to a note" (suggested by Robert Clayton on 2022-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Sep, '22
Rob FThis is critical for me - I'm coming in from Nimbus (and before that, Evernote), where I captured Word documents, images, videos, text files, and all sorts of other files into my second brain. For Amplenote to be useful to me, I need to be able to do the same.
11 Oct, '22
ChrisNo Way to switch if this Feature is not avalible.
I have a work flow to 0 Inbox (Email). Without attachment I can not use the tool unfortnately. -
27 Nov, '22
Michael Ehling+1
I want to be able to store any type of file in my system. That said, I mostly store docs, sheets, presentations, pdfs, mindmaps, and small mp3s. I am happy with reasonable size limits and other good citizen measures. -
02 Dec, '22
Shocker FanWhen you allow for more file attachments, please allow Apple file type such as Pages and Numbers
07 Dec, '22
Eric LubowEven allowing all types of files to be attached with previews and such coming in the future would make AN infinitely better.
20 Jan, '23
SamUnfortunately this is a deal breaker for me, I need to be able to attach any sort of file.
24 Jan, '23
Lucian AdminThis feature is now officially planned for Q1 of 2023!
25 Jan, '23
Shocker FanPlease include Apple files such as Pages and Numbers.
27 Jan, '23
Sam@Lucian Very nice! Would this allow for attaching these files for tasks too?
30 Jan, '23
Lucian AdminHey Sam! Unclear how the attachments will work at the moment, but your idea is a good one.
01 Feb, '23
Bill AdminThis has been implemented such that MS Office docs (doc, xls and ppt) can be uploaded to a note as of the next desktop and mobile releases. Please feel free to create a new task if there are other file types you would like to see supported? We are also open to expanding attachment functionality such that they stay cached locally, or that attachments open in-editor, or that more types of attachments are supported. We will get to all of these, but your votes can help prioritize the order we tackle them in.
21 Nov, '23
hbI'll have to stop using Amplenote which I really enjoy and like since I need to be able to add arbitrary files to my notes, including audio ones and not just microsoft office documents (libreoffice formats should be supported as well!). Hopefully there's plans for this feature
21 Nov, '23
hbsorry my mistake
15 Jun, '24
MKI have created a new post to support all file types.