Make the header area sticky
In the desktop version, when scrolling a long page, it is a small pain to scroll up to do note level actions. It would be handy to keep the Title, tags and the toolbar sticky.
Comments: 2
19 Apr, '22
weirdNot a fan. If you're referring to the note-topbar, a change like you're requesting will make the already bulky top area take up more than a third of the vertical area of the screen at all times, severely reducing visibility when typing in Notes Mode.
If something this were to be implemented then it would be better imo to just move the topbar buttons to the actual header/top-app-bar area where searchbar and new note button are.
If you really want what you're asking, you can change the CSS yourself using the Amino CSS extension for chrome ( and make a sitewide rule for amplenote like:
.note-topbar {
position: sticky;
z-index: 2;
top: 64px;
.note-pane .ample-editor .toolbar-wrapper {
top: 164px;
I tested this just now and it works on my PC. -
24 Dec, '22
Pat NimsIt sure would be nice so that when working on longer notes one could select heading, bullet and table options without having to scroll up and down so much. Thanks!