Our customers made these suggestions for improving Amplenote. Suggestions for improving Amplenote.
Support Opening amplenote.com URL in Mobile App Rather Than Browser
When I open my synced Google calendar on my phone and click a task created from AmpleNote, there is a link in the description to the note that the task lives in. When ...
Add option to disable auto-archive for notes assigned with specific tags
There may be some use cases where auto-archiving is undesirable (e.g. using Amplenote as a repo of evergreen notes), and the current process to prevent notes from ...
Add a task with a due date without requiring a specific due time.
I would like to be able to add a task with a due date without having to add a specific due time. Perhaps you could add a “none” option to the due time drop down list.
Visual indicator that a task is a repeating task
I create many repeating tasks. It would be useful to have a visual indicator that a task is a repeating task, so a user doesn't have to open the task details to ...
Global Default for "Keep Completed tasks inline"
I love that I can turn on “Keep Completed tasks inline” for an individual note. Is there an option to set that as the default? For me, hiding completed tasks is the ...
Embed YouTube videos inline
Now that we have inline video support, we should consider ways to allow YouTube videos to play directly inside the note body?
A note created from a template note should retain the tags of the template note
I love being able to create new notes from templates (https://www.amplenote.com/help/using_note_templates#Creating_a_new_note_from_a_template) but this feature would ...
Filter out tag in tasks list
We can do a filter for tags in the tasks list, but we cant seem to do the inverse, which is to show tasks that DON'T have the tag selected. I'm looking at options for ...
Keep tag list expanded when switching views
Every time I switch between Notes, Jots, Tasks, and Calendar view, the tags list is reset to fully collapsed. Since I have set my tags up hierarchically (e.g. I have ...
need keyboard shortcut for strikethrough formatting
Currently the only way to apply striketrhough formatting is ~'s on each end of the line, which takes a lot of cursor movement/mouse movements if you use that format a ...
Default view mode when app is opened
Moderator edit January 2025: let's consider this suggestion for both mobile and desktop.
When you open the app, the last opened view remains by default: for ...
Grey out crossed-out bullet list items
Under the above link, it is suggested that we can cross out bullet list items and use it as a checklist.
However, ...
new search by relevance is so bad make setting for default
search for notes had sorted results by date changing before update. it was so good. now I search word in note title and this note is in the end of results. each time ...
OR/AND/NOT operators for tag and group search queries
Allow search combinations with Boolean search AND, OR and NOT.
(moderator edit: changed title to specifically mention search queries with "in" and "group", since ...
Copy note URL
No matter if you use the Web app or Android, there should be the option to copy the note URL with one click (other than copy/pasting from the browser). Ideally, that ...
Military time as a time format
I would like to be able to enter 17:00 in the time box instead of 5 PM.
I would not make it mandatory but as a possible setting to be changed based on preferences.
add an action to "Complete and move" a task at same time
reviewing the inbox/jots still have a friction when i want to mark a task completed AND move it to its final note (projet, shore, etc..). If i complete the task it ...
Movile: Calendar swipe to next month
Mod edit: this request counts for "swiping" to change calendar time slot. The described view (which looks like an agenda view) is a separate feature that we should ...
Quick entry of shortcuts on mobile
Would love to see a menu within the editor on mobile devices that allows for quick entry of shortcuts like {now} or [[=
Some of these characters are several taps ...
Hide archived notes from Tags view
Archived notes should not be shown normally in the tags(at least not by default). Having them still show up after archiving kind of defeats the purpose of archiving ...
Display Task Duration in Task View
Displaying the estimated "duration" of tasks in the task view would help users select tasks based on their available time, especially when time is limited or for ...
Setting Dates: Remember previous selection
When setting due or hide dates it would be great if one of the options to select from would be the previously selected date.
This is the same as how it works with ...
Filter in backlinks by keywords
When you have a lot of comments in daily-jots about a note, with a lot of information indented under the backlink, it would be ver usefull to be able to filter by ...
Make the default start time for tasks configurable
When I use natural language (i.e. "today", "tomorrow") to add a start time to a task, the time always defaults to 9:00 am. I would like this to be configurable ...
On-time Reminder
The ability to set a reminder at the exact start time of a task does not exist. If my task is set to start at 9AM this morning, I cannot get a reminder at 9AM. The ...
Default image size option for inserted images
This option should allow the user to set the default (initial) image size when it is inserted into a note. I use kind of "visual jots" with smartphone app and if many ...
Toggle auto-tagging of notes as daily-jots
I use Daily Jots as my main scratchpad. Typically I write notes, then go back and turn certain words/phrases into notes by highlighting them then tapping "[". It ...
Add the 'quick to-do' box to the peek viewer (so we can add tasks anywhere)
As you can see in the picture, the 'quick to-do' box appears in the Calendar view. In order to add a task anywhere in the app, this box should also be available in ...
Sorting backlinks
At this time it's unclear how backlinks are sorted. I think it would be helpful to allow backlinks to be sorted by their creation date or when they were last ...
Only suggest available tags when filtering notes by multiple tags
Say I want to use tags in my search for a note. I type in the first tag, using the in:tag syntax. The search bar offers all the existing tags as suggestions. This is ...
Shortcut to delete/archive note
Can we get a keyboard shortcut to delete and/or archive a note? I'm thinking specifically of after doing a big import, but it could also be handy to declutter any ...
Searching Date using DD-MM-YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
I would like to go back to dates quickly using the search function and quick open functionality.
It would be great if both formats would be implemented: ...
Give overdue tasks a higher Task Score
I'm new to Amplenote and noticed a weird feature of the Task Score: I had a task that was due yesterday and I forgot to do it. Today, I was surprised to find it ...
Require implicit command to include archived notes in results when filtering by tag
When a note is archived it should not appear in any search unless implicitly told to do so. This is especially true when filtering by tags. Currently there is no ...
PWA keyboard shortcut for search
Would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut for the search bar in the PWA. We can use the quick open shortcut to search by Note title, but being able to "global search" ...
Calendar bug
There is sometimes a very annoying layering "bug" on the calendar... When planning two tasks at the same time, the task that starts first is on the first layer; this ...
Collapse / Expand notes containing tasks when grouping them by note
I have notes with 10-15 tasks. Usually only 1-2 are next actions, so the rest are someday actions.
When filtering by someday, the list is really long and it would be ...
Show note with task in Calendar view (more accessibly)
Example: I may have a note to "build a chicken coop", and one of the tasks is "Buy material". The task makes sense in the context of the note it's in. But when I go ...
Ignore accents when searching
As a french guy, i often use accent when writing,
but searching in Amplenote is not safe for me :
for example i search the word "référence" it won"'t find my note ...
Assign tags based on Notebook from Evernote import
Many people use notebooks as their organisation structure in Evernote rather than tags. Given that Amplenote has heirarchical tags as the default organiser, could we ...
Mark calendar events from Amplenote as private
My work calendar is shared with my coworkers, so the can plan meetings with me. Private calendar events are marked as private of course.
Can events created by ...
Add compact calendar view
With my screen resolution I'm only able to fit around 6 hours of calendar time into a single view.
I'd love the ability to adjust the compactness of the calendar ...
Button to dismiss keyboard on mobile
Currently on mobile there is no way to dismiss the keyboard unless you scroll. This feels clunky and can cause issues where the keyboard can't be dismissed.
A ...
Allow push notifications for reminders to show when a task is scheduled for.
When you set push notifications on Amplenote with a reminder ahead of time, the push notification that results displays the listed time as "now"--the time the ...
Allow selection of default note for adding Quick Todos from mobile
When adding a Quick Todo, the last used note pops up as the default. If you happen to have more than one "inbox" note, such as one for work and one for personal, you ...
Display Actual Date/Time Rather Than Natural Language Date Reference
Suggestion: The note list should (IMO) have the real date and time easily visible without extra steps.
Reasoning: Right now, the dates and times are in a natural ...
Tag Notes from Graph with empty or new tags
Currently you can select notes in the graph view and apply a tag to all the selected notes.
However, this only allows you to tag it with existing tags that have a ...
Make the header area sticky
In the desktop version, when scrolling a long page, it is a small pain to scroll up to do note level actions. It would be handy to keep the Title, tags and the ...
Shortcut for arrows (-> or <-)
It would be great if AN has shortcuts for simple arrows
For example, "->" for → and "<-" for ←.
Warn user when completing a parent task with incomplete subtasks
Either have a popup warning that some steps aren't done or disallow the parent task to be completed until the children are checked off.