Hide Until should always include "until Start Date" as an option
- Shouldn't Hide Until always include "until Start Date" as an option? Sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not. (The attached screen shot is from a task that has a start date 2 months from now. I want to hide it until then).
- Could Hide Until please always be the first or last option on the list? Sometimes it is to be sorted in among the other date options, which just makes it harder to find. Thanks!
Comments: 2
26 Dec, '22
Lucian AdminHey Pat! Can you please clarify what you mean by this:
- Could Hide Until please always be the first or last option on the list? Sometimes it is to be sorted in among the other date options, which just makes it harder to find. Thanks! -
05 Aug, '23
cuteness_overloadIn my opinion, this even deserves its own !-shortcut (!hide-until-start-date) 😃
@Lucian: To answer your question: What Pat means here is that only for a recurring task, there is the option to hide it until due day. For on-time-only tasks, you can only choose a specific date that has nothing to do with the start date (as seen in the screenshot)