Our customers made these suggestions for improving Amplenote. Suggestions for improving Amplenote.
Ability to pin notes in the notes list
There should be an ability to pin notes to the top of a notes list (not as shortcuts to the sidebar).
This avoids visual clogging on the sidebar, and lets you can ...
Add calDAV capability to integrate with calendars
Expand calendar integration beyond google and microsoft.
Allow shortcuts to be reorganized
Please allow the shortcuts of both the notes and tasks to be reorganized in different orders by dragging and dropping on the sidebar. In order to have a task manager ...
Bullet Threading
This feature would visually connect bullets with lines to show the relationships between parent and child bullets, making it easier to follow the structure of nested ...
Paste Markdown
It would be really nice to be able to paste Markdown text into a note so that it remains its formatting.
For example if I paste "[Amplenote](https://amplenote.com)" ...
More than 3 task domains
I'm unsure why there is a limit of three task domains, maybe there is a good idea behind that decision, but I would personally like one or two more.
Allow custom reminders, or reminders longer than 1 day
I would like to be able to set reminders for a week in advance or possibly longer, especially for really important tasks.
Size of the node based on number of connections in graph view
In graph view, the size of a node is calculated based on the size of the text of the note. In the context of connections, I want to quickly identify the mother nodes, ...
Ability to automatically apply Vault encryption to certain notes
Similar to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/password-protect-your-notes-e5ffd8fd-e811-441a-aa02-e13f0f445933
Currently, you can only vault-protect each ...
Zapier integration
Zapier integration to create a task (action) and do something when a task is created or completed (triggers)
change default header color for all three levels
It's very confusing for me to recognize the header level just by the text size and the marked button on the ribbon.
I would love to know if I can change the headers ...
Allow editing text and tasks that are backlinked from the Backlinks tab
Currently, when a task is backlinked, it is not clickable/editable. It would be good if one could both complete and edit a task as part of a Note's backlink.
Expanded Drawing canvas on iPad
At the risk of sounding ungrateful - because the drawing canvas is a game changer for my workflows (I like to hand write meeting notes, put them into a note as an ...
Customize shortcuts
In some keyboard locales, the app shortcuts override other useful combinations (e.g.:"[" seems to be used to change views, meaning I can't use it to create a task or ...
Allow to set several reminders for a single task
Currently, a task can have one reminder. It could be relevant to be able to set up more than one. Use cases are many, but here is a simple example: have a reminder a ...
MFA/2FA/TOTP backup codes
Most likely won't happen to me as I use a password manager for my passwords and codes, but still I don't feel comfortable without a backup code just in case. This is ...
Add badge count for Tasks that are due.
I want to see a number of what tasks are due so i don’t forget about them when working in other apps
Support note aliases
I make a note for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If I want that to find more references for that note, currently it will only search for instances of that EXACT ...
Ability to lock / unlock app with password or Face ID
Because of privacy concerns, I would really like the ability to lock the app using a password or Face ID. I know that the iPhones already have the phone lock, but ...
Support overall note content font size adjustement (or sync with iOS/Android global setting)
As simple as it sounds. The default text size can be a tad small at times, so it would be useful to have an option to adjust it in Settings.
Support for LaTeX formatting
For math formulas and probably other stuff?
Attach any file type (size can be limited)
Amplenote only support few file types but if it support any file type that it really helps keep the note together. There have been cases where I need to save license ...
Insert cursor anchor in note
I would like to be able to save where the cursor will appear the next time I open up my note.
I believe when working on large notes, this type of anchor would be ...
Nested tasks should inherit their parent item/note affiliation
Having recently migrated from Roam, I was trying to find a way to compile notes and tasks from multiple project on daily jots, but have been frustrated that tasks are ...
Mobile widget: shortcut to open note
at android: I need widjet 1*1 (or just ordinary shortcut) to certain note. I think it's very helpfull
Search in language other than English
This is a huge problem for non-native English users or people who take notes in multiple languages.
Right now, searching is not fully functioned in languages other ...
Show all the tasks in the Android widget
It would be helpful if android could show all my tasks if I wanted
Support for markdown headings up to H6
Currently only H1 to H3 headings are supported. This feature would enable further compatibility during markdown import.
Save PDFs via Amplecap
Being able to add a PDF directly to Amplenote via Amplecap (like Evernote allows)
Allow resizable/adjustable left hand columns width in Notes View
Some note titles are long or begin with similar words. It would be appreciated if I could make the center list column wider (or wrap text) dynamically so I can see ...
Remove completed tasks from external synced calendar
Hi. Recent subscriber having moved from Todoist + Tascaly for timeblocking but really enjoying Amplenote.
I'm using Amplenote pretty heavily for time-blocking now ...
make hide until evening
there is option to hide untill afternoon. it would be very good to have same quick button "to hide untill evening" (may be 6 p.m. ir 7 p.m)
More task sorting inside notes view
It would be very useful to add more sorting options in notes, start date sorting would be a must for some of us but maybe some others like A-Z or Z-A too.
Real restore from backup - Add an "Import Amplenote" option
This sounds very important to me. Amplenote can't restore a backup easily as it don't reconstruct Tags hierarchy. This is stressing me a lot lol. Please copnsider ...
Email-to-note should include attachments
Support for importing email attachments when using email-to-note
Add a default category & availability to Amplenote Task events in Calendar
When adding a task into the calendar in Amplenote the current behaviour is to add the event with avilability as "Busy" and with no category flag.
I use ...
Intuitive Task Prioritization through Drag-and-Drop Reordering
Adding drag-and-drop functionality to the task view when sorted by task score would allow users to intuitively adjust task priorities by simply rearranging tasks. ...
Link to tags
I use tagging to structure my notes, so for example, by selecting a tag I can see all notes related to a project, or I can see all notes of a certain type.
It ...
Minimize Windows desktop app to system tray
Allow the Windows desktop app to be minimized to the system tray (the area by the clock) so that the application can remain open and easily accessible without taking ...
Backlinks filtering should work on unlinked references
Currently we can filter the list of backlinks by tag, but when browsing long lists of unlinked references, it's very useful to be able to narrow down the list of results.
Show a biometric authentication dialog for Android app
Include a biometric login option to secure access to Amplenote on the Android app
Allow underline of text
Allow people to underline text in a note. That's essential to most writing styles. Though I love so many things about AmpleNote, the inability to underline text ...
Notification Quick Actions
Give easy access to task actions inside the notification. For example, Marking as Complete, Rescheduling, etc.
See: ...
Dictation / Speech to text feature for new jots
Other apps allow you to connect to Google Speech API. Which would be such a timesaver, especially when used on mobile devices, while on the go, and you suddenly have ...
Add an option to hide past completed tasks on Amplenote calendar
In the past it looks like when a task that was synced to the google calendar was checked in AN it removed it from the calendar. It looks like Bill changed the option ...
Allow renaming of attachment
My scanner generates a very generic name based on the date and time. I want the ability to rename a file without having to download and reupload
Add more context (task's source-note) to the calendar for tasks without dates. => Grouping!
At the moment the undated tasks have no reference to the note they are created from.
For example I have the Tasks from all my projects in a calendar domain. Now I ...
Customize default hide times
Currently, hiding a task has a default of 9am. I'd rather be able to set this default to 6am so the tasks are unhidden automatically when I'm prepping for my day. ...
Hide Until should always include "until Start Date" as an option
- Shouldn't Hide Until always include "until Start Date" as an option? Sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not. (The attached screen shot is from a task that has a ...
Ctrl + drag-and-drop to reschedule only the current instance of a recurring task
Would be cool to have an option for changing the start date (or maybe even the duration?) of a single occurrence of a repeating task.
Holding Ctrl while dragging ...