Add a dictionary function that can be used to correct misspellings and to "add to dictionary"
In the desktop app, words that Amplenote thinks are misspelled are underlined in red. In apps the world over, the natural thing to do is right-click and see suggested spellings and an option to "Add to dictionary". I don't know what Amplenote uses to mark suspected incorrect spellings (it must be some kind of dictionary) but a right click does nothing. Let's make it do the obvious...
Comments: 3
12 Oct, '23
CA MergedIt would be great to add an autocorrect feature or custom autocorrect dictionaries (the latter of which would be a lighter lift). If I'm taking notes on a call for example and am rapidly typing a lot of text, it'd be great to automatically fix typos.
Creating a custom autocorrect dictionary might be a lot of work, but if it's easier to just add the functionality and let users make their own dictionaries (or sharing them), I wouldn't mind making one for myself as I go along.
It would also be helpful because it could function as a sort of text expander! -
17 Oct, '24
Lucian AdminMarking as "Not planned" because this is partially implemented in the Desktop app and can be fulfilled pretty nicely with plugins (separate request on encouraged)
18 Oct, '24
Lucian Admin"Autocorrect and/or Custom Dictionaries" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2023-10-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.