Block (Sentence/Paragraph) Transclusion

5 votes

I'm buying into the workflow of Amplenote. It just simply get things done.

The features I used the most is transclusion. I really love the transclusion via rich text footbate. It's great that Amplenote can do page transclusion, section transclusion, and all sorts of media transclusion.

What's lacking is paragraph or sentence transclusion, which I used the absolute most.

I'm a financial blogger who very often cited paragraphs for my blogs. Amplenote would be the perfect home for my workflow if it could implement transclusion at "block level" (e.g. Sentences, paragraph).

In obsidian, this is done via [[note name^sentence]]. In Craft, "[[" auto searches every paragraph.

Please implement this. Else, kindly recommend a workaround. I would really like to call amplenote my work home.

"Extract text to Note" isn't the right solution because it's the direct opposite where the source note now cites the note that references the source note. It should be the note that cites the source note.

Under consideration effort-high note-linking Suggested by: Chan Upvoted: 19 Dec, '24 Comments: 0

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