Add support for editable transclusions
I would like to include part of one note in another, preferable editable in both places. Roam does block level and Obsidian does header level, but I would like some ability to do that.
Lucian's edit: Amplenote now supports transclusions via Rich Footnotes. Changed "Add ability to transclude part of one note into another" to "Add support for editable transclusions", to reflect this development.
Comments: 13
13 Feb, '22
JoseThis sounds really useful if you are writing a long document, like a documentation site or a book. Right now the only way I can think of to have a sequence of notes in a determined order is to have an index note with links to each section note (imagine chapters in a book). This is not ideal, editable transclussions would fit much better the mental model of amplenote (small, atomic notes).
This is a big problem for anyone using zettelkasten method, btw. -
16 Jun, '22
Jack Elliott MergedThis is different to the "note templates", which copies the contents of a template and pastes it into a note. That paste becomes a permanent element of the note and no longer has any relation to the template (ie, making a change to the template in the future does not make any changes to notes that the template is used within).
Note embeds work differently. Note embeds are a feature in which, the embedded note is to be managed centrally. Whenever a change is made to the embedded note, all other notes which embedded this note gets that change. Here is an easy way to explain this:
1. Create two Notes.
a. Note 1
b. Note 2
2. Open Note 1.
3. Use [[` keystroke, or another keystroke to open up the "Embed note" panel, where you search for all the notes. Choose Note 2.
4. You will see the contents of Note 2 is embedded into Note 1.
5. Open Note 2 and make a change to the note.
6. Open Note 1 and see the changes you made to Note 2 appear on Note 1. -
16 Jun, '22
Lucian Admin"Note embeds" (suggested by Jack Elliott on 2022-06-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Jun, '22
ParkerEditable transclusions would be a game changer for creating organized project dashboards. That mixed with columns/tables would allow for multiple different TODO list notes to feed into a dashboard note. This is the dream for me.
16 Jul, '22
Nicole BrownIt would be amazing if lists from one note could be linked in another and then edited in either place. It would make this app truely unstoppable.
21 Jul, '22
AJ Barry MergedAbility to tick off tasks when clicking on the link of a note. Rich footnote shows body of the note and if tasks are in the note. Ability to cross off the tasks without opening the note would be good.
22 Jul, '22
Lucian Admin"Task completion within link view" (suggested by AJ Barry on 2022-07-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Dec, '22
Michael MergedIt would be nice to be able to just reference a part of a note, not just the whole note, for topics that have meaning to the original note as well as the one you want to make the reference to. If you could then make it, a change in the original or in the reference, changes it for both would be perfect. This way you could have the same topics in multiple notes and not have to change it in every single one when you change or add something.
04 Jan, '23
Lucian Admin"Ability to reference just part of note (and changes in the reference also apply to the original)" (suggested by Michael on 2022-12-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Feb, '23
shawnI love this idea. This is called "Sync blocks" in notion and it's fantastic. I like to make an entire section of a note a sync block, then copy it to its own individual note, so i have iti n my main note for that project, and can drill into the finer details of it if I like.
08 Apr, '23
AshiqThis idea is successfully used in Logseq. I true game changer.
05 Aug, '23
Daniel MergedI would like to be able to have blocks translcluded within the notes, not just showing a note preview, but inserting the text and updating it as changes are made in the linked note. This would make it possible to organize notes better using headings and develop ideas without having to hover over links each time one want to refer back to that note.
2 -
10 Aug, '23
Lucian Admin"Embed transluded blocks within the note" (suggested by Daniel on 2023-08-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.