Suggestions for improving Amplenote.

Daily Email Reminder

The option of a daily email reminder with tasks. Upcoming, Due Today, Overdue, etc.
Suggested by: Yaakov (03 Apr, '23) Upvoted: 05 Dec, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration -plugin effort-medium integrations

Add {today now} date calculation

I could simply use {today} {now}, but the extra brackets feel like an extra step when they could be just one, if implemented. Use Case: Timestamping notes & ...
Suggested by: Timoy (03 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 14 Apr, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration -plugin editor effort-low

Ability to Quickly Add a list of task and parse dates from the list

For example: Send Reminder To Student if No Documents 3/27/2023 Document Deadline (six w/ prior to start) 4/3/2023 Documents To Admin and inform Donna ...
Suggested by: Anthony Stout (07 Mar, '23) Upvoted: 29 Mar, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration -plugin effort-medium