Our customers made these suggestions for improving Amplenote. Suggestions for improving Amplenote.
Search in language other than English
This is a huge problem for non-native English users or people who take notes in multiple languages.
Right now, searching is not fully functioned in languages other ...
Translate to other languages (Spanish at least :-))
More than a request is an offer to help on the translation of AN to Spanish.
Non-Latin-script tags
The ability to create tags for notes, etc. in languages other than Latin-based languages like English, Spanish, etc.
Allow multilingual tag text for non-English support (ex: emoji, Spanish, Korean)
I can only use english in tag names. I can't us korean for them. It will be good for me to use Korean, my mother tongue in tags. If you want to make your app for the ...
Localized date and time calculations
It's not convenient to switch my main keyboard layout to english in order to write expressions like {Today} or {In three hours}. For example in russian much more ...
Localized task commands (starting from !)
It's not convinient to switch my main keyboard layout to english to use task commands (for example "!move"). For example, in Russian localization it would be much ...
Search with respect to declination
- search for words with respect to declination and in different (grammatical) cases
- search for "references to this note" also with respect to declination and in ...